8 kyu

Powers of 2

785 of 55,048wichu


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CreatedAug 2, 2016
PublishedAug 2, 2016
Warriors Trained83321
Total Skips6385
Total Code Submissions128366
Total Times Completed55048
Haskell Completions785
Python Completions19006
CoffeeScript Completions43
JavaScript Completions22720
Ruby Completions1403
C# Completions1881
F# Completions265
OCaml Completions264
Julia Completions57
Java Completions3736
C++ Completions3188
C Completions989
COBOL Completions28
λ Calculus Completions15
Factor Completions19
Go Completions1228
Lua Completions168
RISC-V Completions23
BF Completions35
TypeScript Completions518
Rust Completions445
D Completions15
Total Stars521
% of votes with a positive feedback rating92% of 4679
Total "Very Satisfied" Votes3970
Total "Somewhat Satisfied" Votes634
Total "Not Satisfied" Votes75
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